April 19, 2010

Eretz Zavat Chalav u'Dvash

Well... It may be the land of Milk and Honey, but its only milk for me......  For Pesach, Mommy, Abba and I went to visit our family in Eretz Yisrael (thats my name!) - We had absolutely the most incredible time.  I got to meet my uncles Naftali and Aryeh, my Aunt Rachel, and most importantly my cousins Naami, Avraham Aryeh and Chananya... I of course enjoyed spending so much time with my Uncle Chaim, my Sabba Mitch and my Savta and Dodie Chaya (they were so amazing with me).  We did SO much; from Tiyulim (3 hikes) to visiting the Kotel to going to Modiin to visit my old T-Neck friends the Weigensbergs.  All-in-all it was so spiritual, I can definitely see myself living there!!!!


  1. Thank you so much for all these amazing pictures!!!

  2. Yisroel, you are soo cute... and really frum. I heard you started building legos there while Biden was visiting....
