December 20, 2010

Festivus for the Rest of Us

In honor of the long lasting Burgher/Eichen tradition of celebrating Festivus, I am Airing my Grievances by letting you all know how much I cant stand when you all read my personal blog.... I lost my train of thought. Anyway, in continuing with tradition, I was not allowed to leave the festivus festivities until I completed the Feats of Strength which included walking all over the place, dancing while riding my John Deere tractor, and being super cute - enjoy this video of me overcoming the first two aspects of the Feats of Strength, along with the pictures of me being super cute -

Merry Festivus to all, and to all a Merry festivus!

December 7, 2010

Spin THIS Dreidal....

To celebrate my 2nd Channukah I decided to speak and walk.  I repeat words very well (I like two syllable words and phrases like "Abba" "Uh Oh" and "Da-da" - as youll see below I also like saying "DA BEARS."  I am also much more comfortable walking, I still opt to crawl, but if I set goals and Ima and Abba are there to support me, im pretty good.  Enjoy these videos from the last couple days, and the pics from Channukah lighting/party.