December 20, 2010

Festivus for the Rest of Us

In honor of the long lasting Burgher/Eichen tradition of celebrating Festivus, I am Airing my Grievances by letting you all know how much I cant stand when you all read my personal blog.... I lost my train of thought. Anyway, in continuing with tradition, I was not allowed to leave the festivus festivities until I completed the Feats of Strength which included walking all over the place, dancing while riding my John Deere tractor, and being super cute - enjoy this video of me overcoming the first two aspects of the Feats of Strength, along with the pictures of me being super cute -

Merry Festivus to all, and to all a Merry festivus!

December 7, 2010

Spin THIS Dreidal....

To celebrate my 2nd Channukah I decided to speak and walk.  I repeat words very well (I like two syllable words and phrases like "Abba" "Uh Oh" and "Da-da" - as youll see below I also like saying "DA BEARS."  I am also much more comfortable walking, I still opt to crawl, but if I set goals and Ima and Abba are there to support me, im pretty good.  Enjoy these videos from the last couple days, and the pics from Channukah lighting/party.

November 16, 2010

Birthday.... more like BirthMonth

Enjoy these videos of my birthday party as well as me walking and opening my gifts.  Im so grateful my Saba came in from Israel, and my Bubby and Zaide came in from Chicago; A special Thank you to my great aunt Susan and Uncle Alvin for allowing their house to be the venue for my party - and of course, the biggest Thank You to my mommy and my Bubby, who worked effortlessly to prepare for and make the party so amazing. They shlepped around town to pick up the party favors, cooked and baked all the food, set up all the decorations and cleaned up the shindig at the end (all for me). It would not have been the most talked about party had it not been for their amazing work.  Thank you both so much - I missed the rest of my Mommy and Daddys families, but had an awesome party with all those that made it out.  Thanks to everyone for all my gifts, im certainly enjoying playing with all my awesome new toys, wearing all the stylish clothes from my Bubby and Zaide, Bubby Bubby and Aunti Etee in Chicago, My Truck toy from my BFF cousins Naami, Avram Aryeh, Chananya and Elisheva in Israel, and listening to my Elmo CD from my BFF cousins Lea Yael and Jakey Shia!!!

October 20, 2010


Hey All - So I tried uploading pictures to the blog but had some issues with storage space (apparently Ive reached my limit) - until I figure out what to do, you can enjoy a compilation film of the last few months....  Additionally, Ill post some pics on facebook, you can find the album here:

August 22, 2010

Summer Time... When the Livin's Easy

From coast to coast, this summer vacation has been the most.  I swam in the Atlantic and the Pacific, I gambled in Vegas, Chilled by the Mirage Poolside with my cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Bubby and Zaide.  Drove through the desert to get to LA for shabbat, took the redeye back to NY, drove to Pennsylvania to visit my uncles and aunt in Moshava, took off of school to go into the city with my Ima and Savta and still found time to be super cute.  This Summer has been amazing!