December 7, 2010

Spin THIS Dreidal....

To celebrate my 2nd Channukah I decided to speak and walk.  I repeat words very well (I like two syllable words and phrases like "Abba" "Uh Oh" and "Da-da" - as youll see below I also like saying "DA BEARS."  I am also much more comfortable walking, I still opt to crawl, but if I set goals and Ima and Abba are there to support me, im pretty good.  Enjoy these videos from the last couple days, and the pics from Channukah lighting/party.


  1. Our little Drew-Dawg is a Bears fan! Someone read Bill Simmons' column! We love him so incredibly much. What a precious little voice. Can't wait to watch this one over and over. It's definitely a hall-of-fame inductee, along with Lea's Tummy Time and Mitch and Shelly's Anniversary Reenactment.

    Aunti Nomi and Uncle Mikey

  2. Just watched the walking video! We're so proud of you, bubah! He's such a lovable little boy. I just want to hug and kiss him like crazy!

  3. Typed by Lea Yael: lea jakey i love andrew max i will see you soon

  4. Typed by Lea Yael: I love scott adrianne

  5. Andrew-leh, those are the best videos ever. YOu are sooooo beautiful and you make us all smile here. We love yyou and cant wait to play in a couple of weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    P.s. Lea's messages that she "had" to type took her 30min to write.

  6. Nothing like Saturday night reruns of our baby Andrew walking. Sure beats Nick @ Nite! We love and miss our sweet, gorgeous nephew.
