December 20, 2010

Festivus for the Rest of Us

In honor of the long lasting Burgher/Eichen tradition of celebrating Festivus, I am Airing my Grievances by letting you all know how much I cant stand when you all read my personal blog.... I lost my train of thought. Anyway, in continuing with tradition, I was not allowed to leave the festivus festivities until I completed the Feats of Strength which included walking all over the place, dancing while riding my John Deere tractor, and being super cute - enjoy this video of me overcoming the first two aspects of the Feats of Strength, along with the pictures of me being super cute -

Merry Festivus to all, and to all a Merry festivus!


  1. Yis- you are such a big big big boy. That was a good trick, pretending like you were bringing that towel to your eema, and then walking aaway with it! You got some good moves up your one piece p.j.! We love watching your chilled out dance moves.

  2. Definitely worth interrupting Da Bears game to watch this! Will revisit during halftime. Love you, A-Max!

  3. Yay Andrew Max! What a good walker and dancer you are! We love you so much... keep the videos rolling!

  4. This was the sweetest, zeesist, video ever! Every time we think he can't get any more zeeser, HE DOES!
    He is just soooooo adorable and and walking and "shuckiling" to the music- precious!(poo poo poo)We all cannot wait to see him b'mirtzat ha-shem in a few weeks-(and you guys too).
