April 10, 2011

Israel for Uncle Aryehs Bar-Mitzvah

We recently returned from an incredible trip to ארץ ישראל
While there I spent so much time with my awesome cousins Naami, Avraham Aryeh, Chanania and the baby Elisheva.  I also got some quality time in with my uncles and aunts, and especially my Saba and Savta.  Dodi Chaya took off so much time to play with me, I had the best time with her.  We went to Israel to celebrate my Uncle Aryehs Bar-Mitzvah... Mazel Tov Uncle Az Baz you did such an incredible job leining and speaking (I cant wait for you to teach me my Bar-Mitzvah Parsha)!  Enjoy the movie compilation of the entire trip and the pics that follow.  Also, you should all have a Chag Kasher V'Sameach!!!