January 30, 2011

Mazel Tov to my Aunts and Uncles

Mazel Tov to my Uncle Chaim and soon to be Auntie Atara on their recent engagement! (and thanks for always babysitting me)...  Mazel Tov to my Auntie Allie and Uncle Asher on their recent wedding....  Going to Chicago for the wedding was crazy exciting - I hung out with my besties Lea Yael and Jakey Shia, had amazing laughs with the rest of my uncles and aunts, and especially loved spending time with my Bubby and Zaide.  Enjoy the video compilation and pictures from the exciting trip, as well as the week leading up to the wedding where I thankfully got to spend some time with my Savta who came in from Israel - I also threw in a few extra pictures taken in between the wedding week and now.


  1. A-Max is so gorgeous!!! I love the videos, and his assertiveness with Allie. That boy should not be reckoned with...Lea is hilarious as a pirate...I want to know what Scotty said off-camera that got a rise out of my dad!...Love the pics of A-Max in the snow. Hugs and kisses to you three!

  2. Never gets old! Keep updating the blog, guys. We love you!
