July 8, 2010

Saturdy, in the park.... I think it was the 4th of July!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!!! I certainly did.  Before the 4th I went with my Ema and Abba to the New Jersey State fair at the Meadowlands (where the Giants and Jets play).  Then, for the 4th weekend, we went to Chapmans Lake in PA (near Scranton - A.K.A Home of Dunder Mifflin).  At the lake, I went swimming, hung out with my awesome cousins, had an amazing BBQ, saw some fireworks (not really, I was sleeping) and I got to see my Emas old summer cottage.  It was a real treat.  Oh, yea, and not to toot my own horn, but uhhhh, I crawled today... thats right, watch the video below for proof!


  1. YEA Andrew!!!! We love the main Blog picture. You are sooo gorgeous! For Realsies! you are such a pro at getting around now wiith your crawling and all.... toot away!

  2. Andrew Max- you are one of the cutest and ziessiest little boys ever!!! We love you and are so proud of you for crawling... now you really can get into trouble! (hehe) keep the pictures and videos coming. We miss you!

  3. We're so much in love with his gorgeous little face! Mwaa, Andrew Max!

  4. I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of you Andrew! Your so advanced and I wish I was there to see all the amazing things you do! Ash and I love you very much and are so excited that you know how to crawl!
    You bring smiles to all of us!
    We love you!

  5. Crawling - good job, big boy! We love you and can hopefully eat you up in person real soon. We can't wait to see a Cubs game with you
    Much love..your cousins in Portland.

  6. Yeah, so here's the deal...If Andrew Max is gonna continue to be this cute, I'm just going to have to hop on a flight to New Jersey and eat his little face up. You leave me no choice!
