December 22, 2009

E-mail to my father

Today I had a crazy day with my mommy - In fact, I had so much fun, I emailed my Abba the following with the attached pictures.

Subject: Exhausted
That's right Dad - I'm totally pooped. I had one of the most active days! First I tried some tummy time. I lasted a good few minutes but then I got pissed off. I don't know why. I just did. Then I chilled in the bouncey seat before making my way over to my swing. I fell asleep for a while and after I got up and ate (again!) I hung out with mom in the cool sling Aunt Michelle got me. It really sucks that you had to go to work today. You kind of missed out on one of the best days of my entire life!! Don't worry though... I didn't forget about our special best friend time last night. Life is better when it's all three of us hanging out together anyway. Here are some pics of the day's happenings.
Best friend kisses!!